Wordscapes Level 1595 Answers [Arch 11, Outback]

Is anyone else stuck on level 1595 and can’t seem to find a solution?

Don’t worry–we’ve got the ultimate cheat for passing Wordscapes level 1595 right here!

This guide offers a wealth of information and advice.

Let’s have a quick look at the answers for Wordscapes level 1595:

To complete Wordscapes level 1595 [Arch 11, Outback], players must use the letters M, I, O, D, H, N to make the words: NOD, ION, OHM, HIM, DIM, HOMINID, DON, MIND, MINI, DIN, IDIOM, HID, MID.

Wordscapes Level 1595 Answers [Arch 11, Outback]

Regardless of whether you’re an experienced Wordscapes player or just starting out, this guide will provide you with everything you need to be successful.

In this guide, we will go over everything from the basics of the game to advanced strategies and techniques, giving you the skills to solve Wordscapes level 1595 and move on to even greater challenges.

Let’s take the plunge!

Wordscapes Level 1595 [Arch 11, Outback]

Wordscapes level 1595 presents a formidable challenge that will test players’ vocabulary and ability to solve problems.

In this level, players must use the letters M, I, O, D, H, N provided on the board to make as many words as possible.

The only way to pass is to spell all the words correctly.

This may seem like a tough objective, but with the right tactics and a little bit of luck, it can be accomplished.

Wordscapes Level 1595 Answers

To pass Wordscapes level 1595, players can use this order to finish the goal words:


Apart from that, the following words can be created from the given letters, but are not part of the goal words:


Words Definition

As mentioned before, the goal words for level 1595 were introduced, along with the extra words that can be formed from the tray letters.

Continuing on, let’s examine the meanings of each:

  • NOD: [verb]to move your head down and then up, sometimes several times, especially to show agreement, approval, or greeting, or to show something by doing this.
  • ION: [noun]an atom or small group of atoms that has an electrical charge because it has added or lost one or more electrons.
  • OHM: [noun]the standard unit of electrical resistance.
  • HIM: [pronoun]used, usually as the object of a verb or preposition, to refer to a man, boy, or male animal that has just been mentioned or is just about to be mentioned.
  • DIM: [adjective]not giving or having much light.
  • HOMINID: [noun]a member of a group that consists of humans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and orang-utangs, or an early form of one of these.
  • DON: [noun]a lecturer (= a college teacher), especially at Oxford or Cambridge University in England.
  • MIND: [noun]the part of a person that makes it possible for him or her to think, feel emotions, and understand things.
  • MINI: [noun]a miniskirt.
  • DIN: [noun]a loud, unpleasant confused noise that lasts for a long time.
  • IDIOM: [noun]a group of words in a fixed order that has a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own.
  • HID: past simple of hide.
  • MID: [preposition]among or in the middle of.
  • HOI: [noun]ordinary people.
  • NIDI:
  • MIHI:
  • NOM: [exclamation]used for showing that you like a particular kind of food or that you think something looks or sounds very good to eat.
  • HON: [noun]short form of honey: a way of speaking to someone you like or love, or someone who you want to be friendly to.
  • IMINO:
  • HOND:
  • HOM:
  • MON: [noun]written abbreviation for Monday.
  • MINO:
  • MHO:
  • MIDI: [adjective]covering the upper part of the leg, the knees, and part of the lower leg.
  • HIOI:
  • NODI:
  • IODIN:
  • HOD: [noun]a container for carrying bricks made of an open box on a pole that is held against the shoulder.
  • NOH: [noun]a type of traditional Japanese theatre that uses music and dance and is based on ancient or religious stories.
  • IMID:
  • IMIDO:
  • NID:
  • NIM:
  • HIND: [adjective]at the back of an animal’s body.
  • MOD: [noun]a member of a group of young people, especially in Britain in the 1960s, who wore stylish clothes and rode scooters (= small motorcycles).
  • HIN:
  • MOI: [pronoun]used instead of “me”, to express false surprise about something that you have been accused of.
  • MODI:
  • MODII:
  • DOH: [noun]the musical note do.
  • DOM: [noun]someone who is living in a country in which they are not domiciled (= it is not their legal home), especially when this means that they pay less tax.
  • DINO:

The definitions of these words are from the authoritative Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What Is Wordscapes?

In Wordscapes, players must use their word-forming skills to create as many words as they can from the letters provided.

The objective of the game is to use your vocabulary skills to spell words out of a set of letters by sliding them up, down, left, right, or diagonally.

After a word is constructed, it will vanish from the board and the player will earn points according to the length of the word, with longer words yielding more points.


In conclusion, Wordscapes level 1595 may be difficult, but it is not impossible to succeed.

By taking your time, using resources like dictionaries and word lists, and looking for common patterns, you can successfully complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

Through practice, perseverance, and a positive mindset, you can master this level.

By using the tips and strategies in this guide, you can complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

Rise To The Next Level

Now that you know a proven strategy and have some helpful hints, take on level 1596 alone!

Wishing you luck!

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