Wordscapes Level 259 Answers [Frond 3, Tropic]

Are you stuck on level 259 and don’t know how to move forward?

Don’t stress–we’ve got you covered with our Wordscapes level 259 cheat guide!

This guide will take you through the steps to complete Wordscapes Level 259 and earn all three stars.

Let’s take a brief look at the answers for Wordscapes level 259:

To complete Wordscapes level 259 [Frond 3, Tropic], players must use the letters U, D, L, E to make the words: EEL, DEED, LED, DUDE, DUD, ELUDE, DUELED, ELUDED.

Wordscapes Level 259 Answers [Frond 3, Tropic]

This guide is designed to help both experienced Wordscapes players and newcomers, providing all the necessary information for success.

From the basics of the game to advanced strategies and tips, this guide will give you the knowledge you need to solve Wordscapes level 259 and tackle even tougher challenges.

Let’s commence!

Wordscapes Level 259 [Frond 3, Tropic]

Wordscapes level 259 is a challenging level that will put players’ vocabulary and problem-solving skills to the test.

In this level, players must use the letters U, D, L, E provided on the board to make as many words as possible.

Players must make additional words to earn all three stars.

It’s going to be a tough challenge, but with the right plan and some luck, it can be done.

Wordscapes Level 259 Answers

In Wordscapes level 259, players can follow this sequence to complete the goal words and pass the level:


Additionally, the following words can be created from the given letters, but are not part of the objective words:


Words Definition

In the previous section, the target words for level 259 were presented, along with the additional words that can be formed from the tray letters.

Now, let’s examine the meanings of each of these words:

  • EEL: [noun]a long, thin, snake-like fish, some types of which are eaten.
  • DEED: [noun]an intentional act, especially a very bad or very good one.
  • LED: [verb]past simple and past participle of lead.
  • DUDE: [noun]a man.
  • DUD: [noun]something that has no value or that does not work.
  • ELUDE: [verb]If something that you want eludes you, you do not succeed in achieving it.
  • DUELED: [noun]a formal fight in the past, using guns or swords, arranged between two people as a way of deciding an argument.
  • ELUDED: [verb]If something that you want eludes you, you do not succeed in achieving it.
  • LEUD:
  • DUED:
  • DELED:
  • DEE:
  • ELD:
  • LEU:
  • DULE:
  • DUE: [adjective]expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time.
  • ULE:
  • LEDE: [noun]the first sentence or paragraph of a news article that gives the main point or points of the story.
  • LUD:
  • DEL: [noun]abbreviation for delete: a key on a computer keyboard that you press to remove data.
  • LUDE:
  • DELUDE: [verb]to make someone believe something that is not true.
  • DELE:
  • LEED:
  • DUEL: [noun]a formal fight in the past, using guns or swords, arranged between two people as a way of deciding an argument.
  • LEE: [noun]the side of hill, wall, etc. that provides shelter from the wind.

These meanings are from the trustworthy Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What is Wordscapes?

In Wordscapes, players must use their word-forming abilities to construct as many words as possible from the letters provided.

Players must use their spatial reasoning and vocabulary skills to make words out of a set of letters by sliding them around the game board. The letters can be moved in any direction to spell words.

When a word is completed, it will be removed from the board and the player will earn points according to the word’s length, with longer words worth more points.


In general, Wordscapes level 259 may be difficult, but it is not impossible to pass.

You can increase your chances of success by taking your time, looking for patterns, and using dictionaries and word lists to help you complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

By practicing, being patient, and having a positive attitude, you can master this level.

By following the tips and strategies in this guide, you will successfully complete this level and earn all 3 stars.

Climb to the next level

Now that you’re equipped with a strategy and some useful tips, give level 260 a go solo!

Knock ’em dead!

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