Wordscapes Level 870 Answers [Depth 6, Ocean]

Has anyone else been unable to beat level 870?

Don’t stress–we’ve got you covered with our Wordscapes level 870 cheat guide!

This guide will help you conquer Wordscapes Level 870 and earn all three stars.

Let’s quickly examine the answers for Wordscapes level 870:

To complete Wordscapes level 870 [Depth 6, Ocean], players must use the letters G, U, D, E, L to make the words: GEL, EEL, DUEL, ELUDE, LEDGE, EDGE, DELUGE, GEE, GLEE, DUG, LUGE, LEG, DUE, LUG, GLUE, LED.

Wordscapes Level 870 Answers [Depth 6, Ocean]

This guide is for both experienced Wordscapes players and those just starting out, providing all the necessary information for success.

In this guide, we will go over everything from the basics of the game to advanced strategies and techniques, giving you the skills to solve Wordscapes level 870 and move on to even greater challenges.

Let’s take the first step!

Wordscapes Level 870 [Depth 6, Ocean]

Wordscapes level 870 is a difficult level that will challenge players to use their vocabulary and problem-solving skills.

The goal of this level is to make as many words as you can using the letters G, U, D, E, L on the board.

Players must make additional words to earn all three stars.

This may seem like a tough objective, but with the right tactics and a little bit of luck, it can be accomplished.

Wordscapes Level 870 Answers

In Wordscapes level 870, players can complete the goal words in the following order to pass the level:


Besides that, the following words can also be formed from the provided letters, but are not part of the objective words:


Words Definition

As described earlier, the goal words for level 870 were introduced, along with the extra words that can be created from the tray letters.

Continuing on, let’s examine the meanings of each:

  • GEL: [noun]a thick, clear, liquid substance, especially one used on the hair or body.
  • EEL: [noun]a long, thin, snake-like fish, some types of which are eaten.
  • DUEL: [noun]a formal fight in the past, using guns or swords, arranged between two people as a way of deciding an argument.
  • ELUDE: [verb]If something that you want eludes you, you do not succeed in achieving it.
  • LEDGE: [noun]a narrow shelf that sticks out from a vertical surface.
  • EDGE: [noun]the outer or furthest point of something.
  • DELUGE: [noun]a very large amount of rain or water.
  • GEE: [exclamation]an expression of surprise or enthusiasm.
  • GLEE: [noun]happiness, excitement, or pleasure.
  • DUG: [verb]past simple and past participle of dig.
  • LUGE: [noun]a sledge used for racing on ice. The person using it lies on their back with their feet pointing forward..
  • LEG: [noun]one of the parts of the body of a human or animal that is used for standing or walking.
  • DUE: [adjective]expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time.
  • LUG: [verb]to carry or pull something with effort or difficulty because it is heavy.
  • GLUE: [noun]a sticky substance that is used for joining things together permanently, produced from animal bones and skins or by a chemical process.
  • LED: [verb]past simple and past participle of lead.
  • DEG: [noun](an) amount or level of something.
  • DEL: [noun]abbreviation for delete: a key on a computer keyboard that you press to remove data.
  • GULE:
  • GLEDE:
  • ULE:
  • GELD: [verb]to remove the testicles of a male horse or similar animal.
  • GLED:
  • GLUED: [noun]a sticky substance that is used for joining things together permanently, produced from animal bones and skins or by a chemical process.
  • LEE: [noun]the side of hill, wall, etc. that provides shelter from the wind.
  • EUGE:
  • ELD:
  • DEE:
  • DULE:
  • LUGED:
  • LEUD:
  • LUDE:
  • LUD:
  • GUDE:
  • GLEED:
  • GEED: [phrasal verb]to encourage someone to show more effort or enthusiasm.
  • DELE:
  • GUL:
  • DEGU:
  • GUE:
  • LEED:
  • LEDE: [noun]the first sentence or paragraph of a news article that gives the main point or points of the story.
  • LEU:
  • GED: [noun]abbreviation for General Equivalency Diploma: an official document in the US that is given to someone who did not complete high school (= school for students aged 15 to 18) but who has passed an exam that shows they have similar skills to someone who did.

The definitions of these words are from the esteemed Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What Is Wordscapes?

Wordscapes is a popular game that challenges players to use the letters provided to make as many words as they can.

This game tests players’ vocabulary and spatial reasoning abilities by presenting them with a set of letters and challenging them to spell words by sliding the letters around the game board in any direction.

When a word is completed, it will be erased from the game board and the player will be awarded points according to the length of the word, with longer words worth more points.


Ultimately, Wordscapes level 870 may present a challenge, but it is not impossible to overcome.

By using a strategic approach, looking for clues, and utilizing dictionaries and word lists, you can complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

Through dedication, patience, and a positive attitude, you can conquer this level.

Using the tips and strategies provided in this guide, you can complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

Upgrade To The Next Level

Armed with a step-by-step strategy and some valuable hints, take on level 871 independently!

I hope things go well for you!

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