Wordscapes Level 117 Answers [Arch 5, Canyon]

Are you stuck on level 117 and don’t know how to move forward?

Don’t worry–we’ve got the perfect cheat for getting past Wordscapes level 117!

Follow along with our guide to complete Wordscapes Level 117 and earn all three stars.

Let’s check out the answers for Wordscapes level 117 quickly:

To complete Wordscapes level 117 [Arch 5, Canyon], players must use the letters I, V, E, D, O to make the words: DEVOID, VOID, VOIDED, VIE, DOVE, DIODE, VIDEO, DIVE.

Wordscapes Level 117 Answers [Arch 5, Canyon]

For experienced Wordscapes players and beginners alike, this guide will give you everything you need to succeed.

In this guide, we will go over everything from the basics of the game to advanced strategies and techniques, giving you the skills to solve Wordscapes level 117 and move on to even greater challenges.

Let’s get going!

Wordscapes Level 117 [Arch 5, Canyon]

Wordscapes level 117 presents a tough challenge that will test players’ knowledge of words and their ability to solve problems.

The challenge in this level is to use the letters I, V, E, D, O on the board to make as many words as possible.

The goal is to form as many words as possible in order to earn all three stars.

This is a challenging goal, but with the right strategy and a bit of luck, it can definitely be achieved.

Wordscapes Level 117 Answers

To beat Wordscapes level 117, players can use this order to finish the target words:


Apart from that, the following words can be created from the given letters, but are not part of the target words:


Words Definition

In the previous section, the target words for level 117 were presented, along with the additional words that can be formed from the tray letters.

Continuing on, let’s examine the meanings of each:

  • DEVOID: [adjective]to lack or be without something that is necessary or usual.
  • VOID: [noun]a large hole or empty space.
  • VOIDED: [noun]a large hole or empty space.
  • VIE: [verb]to compete with other people to achieve or get something.
  • DOVE: [noun]a white or grey bird, often used as a symbol of peace.
  • DIODE: [noun]a device that controls an electric current so that it can only flow in one direction.
  • VIDEO: [noun]a recording of moving pictures and sound, especially as a digital file, DVD, etc..
  • DIVE: [verb]to jump into water, especially with your head and arms going in first, or to move down under the water.
  • DOE: [noun]the female of animals such as the deer or rabbit.
  • VID:
  • DEID:
  • DID: [verb]past simple of do.
  • DIED: [verb]to stop being alive, either suddenly or slowly.
  • EDDO:
  • ODD: [adjective]strange or unexpected.
  • VIDE: [verb]see; used as a written instruction to tell a reader to look at a particular book, page, etc. for more information.
  • DIE: [verb]to stop being alive, either suddenly or slowly.
  • DIDO:
  • DIV: [noun]a divvy.
  • VOE:
  • DEVI:
  • DIVO:
  • EVO:
  • IDE:
  • DEV:
  • ODE: [noun]a poem expressing the writer’s thoughts and feelings about a particular person or subject, usually written to that person or subject.
  • DOD:
  • VIED: [verb]to compete with other people to achieve or get something.
  • DEI:
  • DIVED: [verb]to jump into water, especially with your head and arms going in first, or to move down under the water.

These meanings are borrowed from the esteemed Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

What is Wordscapes?

Wordscapes is a popular word game that challenges players to create as many words as they can using the letters given to them.

Players must use their spatial reasoning and vocabulary skills to make words out of a set of letters by sliding them around the game board. The letters can be moved in any direction to spell words.

Upon forming a word, it will be removed from the game board and the player will be awarded points based on the length of the word, with longer words being worth more points.


In short, completing Wordscapes level 117 is challenging but not impossible.

By spending time to find common patterns and letter combinations, and using a dictionary or word list to help you, you can increase your chances of success and move on to the next level of the game.

By putting in the work, being patient, and staying positive, you can master this level.

By using the tips and strategies in this guide, you can complete the level and earn all 3 stars.

Rise to the next level

Now that you’re equipped with a plan and some advice, give level 118 a go by yourself!

Go get ’em!

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